Sunday, June 8, 2008

Regent Park Task Trailer and Oliver Herring video stills

Check out the first exclusive trailer for Regent TASK, 3:00 - 7:00 PM, in the Regent Park Ice Rink.

Oliver Herring is a master at inspiring improvised performances from non-actors for his videos and performances events
(like TASK). Of course, our performance art party won't be a success without you, so be sure to join us on the
14th at the rink for what is sure to be a wild time.

To read interviews with Oliver about his videos and performances from the prestigious PBS Art:21 documentary
series, just click:

For more information about StreetScape including hours and locations, visit StreetScape's offical page.

For exclusive stills from "Make Believe In Regent Park," as well as a behind-the-scenes look at other 
StreetScape projects, visit the StreetScape blog.

Don't forget--June 14, 3:00 PM at the ice rink at Regent Park. Tell all your friends, and we'll see you soon....

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