Monday, June 2, 2008

Introducing: Regent TASK

Acclaimed New York-based multi-media and performance artist Oliver Herring--in collaboration with a committee of young, local volunteer partners--will present the first Canadian TASK: a participatory-performance-art-making-party, to be held in the Regent Park Ice Rink from 3:00-7:00 PM on Saturday, June 14.  

A beautiful hybrid of performance art and communal celebration, TASK creates moments of chaos and utopia as participants use props, creative supplies, cooperation and imagination to interpret and perform randomly selected, user-generated tasks.  The TASK party is free and open to everyone--come join!

The rules are simple:
1) Take a task from the central box
2)Write down a task--whatever you can imagine--to replace the one you took
3) Complete your TASK, wherever it may lead you...

Check out this footage of past TASK events, and stay tuned for an exclusive Regent TASK trailer, coming soon....

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